
Work philosophy

Gade Advokatfirma has a factual and analytical view of what the lawyer is to undertake in every assignment. Based on excellent teamwork between the commissioning party and the lawyer, the commission party is well-acquainted with the most important risk elements of the project early in the process. Based on this, the commission party can make its decisions on goals and choices of direction. Together, the parties prepare a strategy and a project plan and adjust the strategy and plan if unforeseen factual events necessitate it. At all times, the client is to be aware of the most important risk elements of every step taken in the process.

The commissioning party must decide whether the lawyer is to have an extroverted role and to what extent the lawyer should be extroverted. Alternatively, the lawyer may operate as a supporting counsellor. In any case, the lawyer should be as “close” to the events as possible and the advice must aim for being a couple of steps ahead of the opposite party. This requires the lawyer to be available, present and for the service level to be high.

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