Mobile phone no.: +47 9829 4543
E-mail: fred@gadeadvokat.no
Fred Gade has run his own legal practice since 1987, at that time as a partner in Advokatfirmaet Groth, Gade and Heffermehl. He went on to work for Advokatfirmaet Arntzen Underland & Co, before he entered into Arntzen de Besche law firm in 2001.
Fred Gade is an attorney admitted to the Supreme Court.
He has experience as a registrar at Nedre Romerike Registry Office, as an associate for the Norwegian Attorney General and as a senior executive officer in the Legislation Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice. Gade has also worked as a part-time teacher at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo for a number of years, where he inter alia taught contract law and administrative law, as well as acted as an external examiner, etc.
Gade mainly works with dispute resolution in connection with property, shares, shipping and/or claims for compensation. For many years, he has held board positions in property companies. He assists different property parties within property development and commercial property. He also advises Norwegian elite sports. A part of Fred Gade’s practice is pure procedural assignments.
Chambers & Partners quotes sources stating that Gade is “a fantastic lawyer and strong litigator” as well as being “extremely meticulous, experienced and hands-on. He also acts promptly, and that fills me with confidence”.
Experience and special expertise
Gade has more than 30 years of experience practicing law as a lawyer in one of the largest and reputable law firms in Norway, specializing in disputes and dispute resolution especially within the financial field and areas pertaining to business law. He has spent large parts of his time practicing law preparing cases and litigation before courts, district courts, appellate courts, the Supreme Court and arbitration courts. Many of the cases have been “problem cases” to the parties involving a high level of conflict and media attention.
Fred Gade has mainly focused his legal practice on the disciplines:
- Property
- Property development
- Construction and contract law
- Investments in all types of assets; securities, ships etc.
- Company law
- Contract and rights issues
- Compensation cases – professional liability
- “Personal finances” concerning inter alia inheritance and the administration of estates
- Sports law
- Problem cases, especially financial with a high level of conflict
Gade’s experience has given him special knowledge of the property industry, securities and investments in securities, debt, shipping company and partnership shares, property and property development, contractual rights and other investment mediums. He has also worked extensively with financial and accounting issues, especially in relation to legal valuations of investment assets and companies and similar in connection with mergers, administration of estates, transactions and change processes. Part of his practice includes assisting private individuals in relation to family and fortune matters.
Fred Gade has experience from the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Law, from the Ministry of Justice, as a secretary in an official research committee and as a registrar before becoming a lawyer.
He works based on a practical and factual focus on cases and the case conduct is based on the academic method practice provided by the University and the Ministry of Justice’s Legislation Department.
Gade works on both large and small cases; the challenge of the case and the interaction with the client to achieve the best possible result are what “drive” his work.
His ambition is to act as a fearless warrior for the interests of the client with a high level of service and availability.
An international legal guide writes: “if you need a more rough approach, contact Fred Gade”.
Arntzen, Underland & Co | Lawyer – Partner |
Groth, Gade, Heffemehl | Lawyer – Partner |
Nedre Romerike sorenskriverembete | Deputy judge |
Law Department, Ministry of Justice | First consultant |
Government Attorney’s Office | Legal representative |
Occupational injury compensation Law Committee | Secretary |
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law | Scientific assistant |
Admitted to the Supreme Court |
License to practice law |
Université d’Aix en Provence, France |
University of Oslo – Legal final examination – Cand.Jur. |
1980 | Co-author of Offshore Certepartier i rettslig belysning |
1979 | Co-author of Sjørett bind I and II |
1979 – 1992 | Co-author of Idrett og Juss (1st and 2nd ed.) |